14 de abril de 2020


Good morning, guys!!!
How are you?
Depués de estos días de descanso, en los que seguro que habéis aprovechado para leer algún libro interesante, volvemos a la rutina diaria...
Si os parece, vamos a repasar primero todo lo que aprendimos en el tema 4 de Natural Science.
Os dejo unos enlaces, que Emilio ha preparado, para este fin...

Natural Science
Combustion - when something begins to burn/turn into fire. You need all 3 elements/chemicals to create the chemical reaction of FIRE!!!

Fermentation - a chemical change in plants or animals. Fermentation happens because of living things called yeasts, bacteria, and mold. These living things create substances called enzymes. The enzymes transform food into chemicals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNaTYnaM4_Q (science experiment showing reaction (fermentation) because of yeast)

Oxidation - when a substance combines with oxygen and a chemical reaction happens. OXidation -> OXygen, for example when you cut an apple and it begins to turn brown. That is an example of the inside of the apple reacting with the oxygen (air).

Metals begin to gather rust (oxido) when they are exposed to oxygen for too long

Mañana empezamos con Social Science. Se que muchos no tenéis el libro, así que iré publicando fotografías y de ese modo iremos a avanzando.

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