16 de marzo de 2020

NATURAL SCIENCE 6 - 16th March 2020

Good morning!!

Let´s start today with an experiment in your kitchen…
Choose three or four differente pieces of fruit.
For example an apple, a pear, an orange and a kiwi.


1. Prepare the fruit. 
    Make sure that all of it is washed, peeled, and sliced properly.
    If you find a different kind of fruit, add it.

2. Add all the fruit to a large bowl. 
    Make sure to mix it up.

3. Pour honey orange sauce over the fruit just before serving.

4. Enjoy your breakfast!!!


We see the variosu substances and we can separate all of them.

After this delicious experiment, wash your hands and open your book on page 58, please.

Do a mind map about "Separating mixtures" (pages 58 and 59)
Finally do the activities1  and 2 in your notebook (page 58)  and number 5 (page 59)
Study the mind map, please.

If you have any doubt, please write an email:


Bye, see you!!!


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